Melbourne gastro oesophageal surgery
At Melbourne Gastro-Oesophageal Surgery we specialise in caring for patients who suffer from problems of the oesophagus (gullet or food pipe) and stomach.
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At Melbourne Gastro-Oesophageal Surgery we specialise in caring for patients who suffer from problems of the oesophagus (gullet or food pipe) and stomach.
Our Doctors, Mr. Michael Hii, Dr Salena Ward and Dr. Nicole Winter have all undergone extensive focused training in this complex area of care. Our team is passionate about achieving the best surgical outcomes and providing optimal support to patients who require investigation and treatment for these conditions.
Consultations are offered in East Melbourne and via telehealth where clinically appropriate.
Our surgeons have multiple years of experience, and in addition to private practice continue to hold public appointments at many of Melbourne's top public hospitals. Our practice also actively supports clinical research for many areas of oesophagogastric care.
Mr. Hii, Dr. Ward and Dr. Winter offer thorough consultation and assessment to support patients in making informed decisions about their conditions and potential surgical procedures. Our surgeons believe that optimal surgical performance and attention to detail while caring for patients is essential for achieving the best results.
Book a consultation
Call our clinic on (03) 9416 4418
Consulting Locations
*Telehealth/video appointments available
East Melbourne - Main consulting suites
Suite 301, Level 3
100 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne, VIC 3002
Box Hill (Dr Ward Only)
c/o Suite 13.4, Level 3
Epworth Eastern Tower
25 Nelson Road Box Hill, VIC 3128
Bundoora (Dr Ward Only)
c/o Suite 6, Level 1
Plenty Road Consulting Suites
cnr Plenty Rad and Greenhills Road, Bundoora, VIC 3083
Operating Locations
A/Prof. Michael Hii
St Vincent’s Private Hospital
Epworth Freemasons
St Vincent’s Public Hospital
Dr Salena Ward
St Vincent’s Private Hospital
Epworth Eastern
Northpark Private Hospital
St Vincent’s Public Hospital
Box Hill Public Hospital
Dr Nicole Winter
Epworth Freemasons
Masada Private Hospital
St Vincent’s Public Hospital
Royal Melbourne Hospital